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Creating in one form or another has been a driving force my entire life. The women in my family have greatly influenced this creative spirit and my love of nature.

Michela Verani is an artist, working in metal clay, felt and fused glass.  She found metal clay in 2004 and, after taking beginners’ classes, began to work extensively in this medium, which has become her passion. Since beginning in metal clay, she has achieved Art Clay Level 1/Senior Certification, Rio Rewards Certification, is a juried member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen in metal clay and is 4th person in the world to pass jurying for the Metal Clay Master’s Registry III.  Her metal clay, felted and beaded work continue to win numerous awards, most recently in the 2015 Jewelry Designer’s Award in the Metals category from Fire Mt.  Gems & Beads. 


She has authored articles for Fired Arts & Crafts, Art Jewelry, Bead Trends, Metal Clay Today, Metal Clay Artist, The Art Clay Society Quarterly

and Bead Unique.  Her work has been featured in a number of PMC Guild Annuals and other books on jewelry, as well as many gallery shows in the New England area.


She teaches metal clay at her home studio in Londonderry, NH, Metalwerx School of Jewelry and Metal Arts, Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, The League of NH Craftsmen’s Craft Center, and other venues in New England.  Her work is sold in The League galleries, local galleries, and by commission.



Grand Prize Silver - Fire Mt. Gems Metals Contest - Phoenix Rising.


2nd Prize - 2014 Bead Dreams Competition, Metal Clay Category


3rd Prize - 2014 Bead Dreams Competition, Bead Category

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